
Forever Wild Tour - 2006 - Flyer

Forever Wild Tour, Flyer, Wilderness 50, Walkin' Jim, Walkin' Jim Stoltz, Tours, Wild Places, Respect, Environment, Nature, Protection, Species, Natural World, Beautiful, Planet,

Additional Tags Not Entered Due To 200 character, 20 Tag limit:
Energize, Determination, Make A Difference, Wild Life, Wild Places, Ambassador, Exuberance, Passion, Wonderful, Spirit, Minds, Values, Wilderness, Advocacy, Legacy, Personal Caring, Caring, Energy, Perspective, Reconnect, Connect, Wild Creatures, Creatures, Music, Believe, Inspire, Act, Hearts, Change, Incredible, Enthusiasm, Admire, Enjoy, Sincere, Photography, Fun, Entertaining, Interaction

Forever Wild - 2006

Introduction: Forever Wild & Walkin’ Jim Stoltz

Jim Stoltz is known across the nation as "Walkin' Jim". The name stems from the fact that Jim has logged over 26,000 miles of wilderness hiking on annual months-long backcountry treks through America's last wild places. When he's not at home or out walking, Jim travels the country with his multi-media show, Forever Wild, combining his photography, poetry, stories and live music – all working to motivate and inspire the public to care for its last wild places. For years, working with (and sponsored by) environmental organizations, colleges, schools, churches, and community and outdoor-oriented groups, this inspiring event has shared the beauty and the special character of North America's wilderness and the natural world. The Environmental Protection Agency recognized Jim's service with an Outstanding Achievement Award for "sharing nature and wilderness with others across America through your extraordinary words, images, and music."

The year 2006 will mark the 20th anniversary of touring America with Forever Wild. It all started from humble beginnings. In 1985, Walkin' Jim hosted a series of concerts in his local community center to benefit a program that provides children with cancer a week of outdoor activities in the mountains. For the last show in the series Jim decided he would perform a concert himself and try to make it special by putting many of his photos to some of his wilderness songs. It ended up being a full house, standing-room-only night, and the response was so positive that Walkin' Jim decided to take his show on the road. In 1986, Jim began touring America with his Forever Wild multimedia concert.

Since then, Forever Wild has promoted the saving of our last wild places, respect for environment, and protection of all of Earth's fellow species. Over the past twenty years Forever Wild has not only encouraged the public to get out into the natural world, but it has inspired people to care about and take action on behalf of our beautiful planet. Jim is particularly proud to know that the show, his experience, and his message have motivated several young people to actually change their life's direction and go to work for environmental organizations. Forever Wild is a unique concert, and the fact that Jim has been touring with it for so many years speaks to his success at being able to reach people.

"a memorable evening enjoyed by a comprehensive cross section of our community...those who attended the show could not thank us enough for sponsoring...
"first time our group ever sponsored an event that attracted so many people...energized our group...deserves to be experienced by as many people as possible."
- Gary Thornbloom, Newsletter Editor and Outings Chair
Moshannon Group of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Sierra Club, State College, PA

What Others Are Saying About
Walkin' Jim Stoltz & Forever Wild

"...you come away from Jim's Forever Wild show with an added bounce in your step and a determination that you can make a difference for future generations... follows through and keeps you informed on wilderness issues once he leaves your community as well. It would be hard to find a better ambassador for wildlife and wild places."
- Larry Dolphin, Executive Director
Jay C. Hormel Nature Center, Austin, MN

"Jim Stoltz is a music man of exuberance and passion, with more to say in one song than Frank Sinatra ever managed in a whole bloody concert."
- Edward Abbey, author

"...a rare and wonderful experience for all who attended ... engaged people on so many different levels ... literally opened their eyes, ears and minds ... awoke that part of their spirit that lives and breathes with the land."
- Doug Miller, Director
Folklore Village, Dodgeville, WI

"...a true advocate for wilderness values and really affects his audience... I was struck by an adult male coming up afterwards and telling of the tears he had during, and as a result of, his presentation. ...no one in the country doing exactly what "Walkin' Jim" does in the service of wilderness advocacy."
- Dr. Bob Ellinwood, Former Director
Fine Arts Series, Lynchburg College, VA

"...left a legacy of personal caring and inspired commitment to the well being of our planet. He managed to touch all of us, the youngest children to the adults, with an intimate experience of the link between our four-walled classrooms and the living beings of the wild."
- Martha Rogers, Music Teacher
Bowman School, Lexington, MA

"...brought wild places and a mountain top perspective to all of us.  He helped us to reconnect to the earth and all its wild creatures.  Swept us up into a celebration of life and an empowerment that we, too, can help preserve it."
- Susan Hoffman, Teacher
Crested Butte School, Crested Butte, CO

"... sends a great, cold cascade of fresh energy washing over folks ... each time he performs a benefit concert for Friends, we gain a whole big troop of new members. Walkin' Jim's music makes people believe. It inspires them to act. It changes people's hearts."
- Sharon Netherton, Executive Director
Friends of Nevada Wilderness

"...generated an incredible amount of enthusiasm afterwards. For weeks people were telling me how much they admired him and enjoyed the concert. We all felt fortunate to have seen his show ... contagious passion for wilderness, his sincere environmental message, wonderful photography and, not least, his fun and entertaining interaction with the audience."
- Richard Stanley, Vice-Chair
Sierra Club-Greater Hartford (CT) Group


Vision Of Future Rightness

The gift of hope makes every person,
as well as the whole family of humanity very valuable;
the vision of future rightness sends back a stamp
of rightness into the present.
~ Lewis B Smedes

Listen To Quote

Song-Film: Words Of Wisdom
Quotes, Words OF Wisdom, Gift, Hope, Valuable, Vision, Future, Rightness, Present, Lewis B Smedes, Person, Family, Humanity

Photo ID: 074, FW11, 34
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Icy Rock Face

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and places to pray in,
where nature may heal and cheer and give strength
to body and soul.
~ John Muir from "The Yosemite" (1912)

Song-Film: Words Of Wisdom
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW11, Icy Rock Face, Icy, Rock, Face, Rock Formations, Natural Beauty, Geology, Peaceful

Photo ID: 379, FW11, 33

About this photo:

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Cliff Reflection

 The gift of hope makes every person,
as well as the whole family of humanity very valuable;
the vision of future rightness sends back a stamp
of rightness into the present.
~Lewis B Smedes

Listen To Quote
Song-Film: Words Of Wisdom
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW11, Cliff Reflection, Cliff, Reflection, Rock Formations, Geology, Rock Face, Bare Rock, Majestic, Erosion

Photo ID: 074, FW11, 34

About this photo:

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Lily Pad Water

Wilderness is a place where thing work
like they're supposed to work.
~ Walkin' Jim Stoltz

Song-Film: Words Of Wisdom
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW11, Words Of Wisdom, Lily Pad Water, Lily, Pad, Water, River, Reflection, Native Plants, Plants, Flora, Natural Beauty, Peaceful

Photo ID: 380, FW11, 35

About this photo:

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Mountain Mirror

“This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in
unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.” 
~ Theodore Roosevelt
Song-Film: Words Of Wisdom
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW11, Mountain Mirror, Mountain, Mirror, Reflection, Rocky, River, Water, Natural Beauty, Rock Formations, Colors

Photo ID: 075, FW11, 36

About this photo:

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Three Lily Pads

Scientists have discovered that the small brave act of cooperating
with another person makes the brain light up with quiet joy. 
~ New York Times, July 23, 2002

Song-Film: Words Of Wisdom
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW11, Three Lily Pads, Lily, Pads, Water, River, Native Plants, Plants, Flora, Beautiful, Shadows

Photo ID: 381, FW11, 37

About this photo:

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Rolling Beauty

 If you keep a green bough in your heart
surely the singing bird will come.
~ A Chinese saying
quoted in The Web in the Sea by Alice O. Howell

Song-Film: Words Of Wisdom
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW11, Rolling Beauty, Rolling, Beauty, Hills, Mountains, Mountain Views, Views, Colors, Native Plants, Flora, Trees, Peaks

Photo ID: 076, FW11, 38

About this photo:

Date:                 Place:



Passages: Walkin’ Jim Stoltz Has Left The Planet

Posted on Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 by » Sandy Compton

Passages. He made so many. 27,000 miles and still counting, the last time I talked to him at Wild Idaho in Redfish Lake this past May. He came and sang his songs, howled his howls and treated us to his marvelous travelogue show, a uber-wilderness lover among a bunch of wilderness lovers, who among all of us might have hiked as far as he.
We have lost a treasure with a gravel voice, a shy smile and an endless insatiable urge to keep walking and working on behalf of wild places.

Walkin’ Jim stayed in my back yard a few years ago; deigned sleeping with a roof over his head for his skimpy tent and wandered off the next day, as he had wandered in, following whatever it was that kept him moving. “Whatever,” I suppose, was his absolute, unequivocal, unconditional love for wild places and the creatures that populate them.

Walkin' Jim Stoltz onstage at the
SandPoint, ID Panida Theater in 2008
Wherever he walked he was touched by what he walked through, and wherever he talked about these experiences, he touched those who listened to his bass treble voice and looked at his incredible pictures. Especially the children.

Earlier this year, Jim came to Thompson Falls and Trout Creek schools to work with the kids in the grade schools.
What pleasure it was to watch the kids light up, laugh and learn as he encouraged them to squeak like pikas, howl like wolves, growl like bears and joyously sing with him, “Come walk with me through the big pine trees, from the mountain tops to the shining seas . . . ”

Later, he moved into the classrooms, and the kids were mesmerized by him, a lanky guy who looked as if he had escaped from mountain man times. He told of kayaking with whales and coyote tales of following and being followed by them. He gave endless, patient answers to endlessly enthusiastic questions, and then he drew the kids out, asking for their own wild stories, some of which, I’m sure, may never had been heard before.

Daniele Puccinelli (L) entertains Walkin' Jim with tales of his hikes through the Soctchman Peaks.
Daniele Puccinelli (L) entertains Walkin' Jim with
tales of his hikes through the Scotchman Peaks.
He was just recovered from an earlier bout with cancer when he stayed in my back yard. I was amazed at by his skinny toughness, his genuine love for other folks, how much he carried in his heart and how little he seemed to need in his pack. Perhaps his biggest burden was his guitar.

A few days after he made his school visits to Thompson Falls and Trout Creek, I talked to one of the teacher from Thompson. “The kids are still singing that song,” she told me. Yes, and so are some of us adults. “. . . where the critters roam, free and on their own, in the wilderness, we’ll be right at home.”

The cancer came back and got him, as if it had forgotten, first time around. He didn’t want to go, I don’t think. There are too many other passages he wanted to make. But, we don’t really know what happens after the passage he did take. I would hope he will find even more beautiful and exciting spots to wander through in the Great Beyond Wilderness.

Goodby, Mr. Stoltz. Thanks for walkin’ through.

2 Responses
Carolyn says:
There are some people that are just, somehow, BIGGER than the rest of us. Walkin’ Jim was one of them, and I miss him terribly. What a gift he gave us.
Bev says:
I remember several years ago at The Panida, hearing Walkin’ Jim sing at a Benefit for Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. His whole presence was so Heart-Felt and he had us singing along with him as we looked at beautiful wilderness slides! Yes, he will be very much missed by all of us! Bless you on your continuing Journey, Jim!

About The Author:
is the program coordinator for Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. He grew up on a small farm/woodlot at the south end of the proposed wilderness and lives there still.
He is a storyteller and author of both fiction and non-fiction books, and the publisher at bluecreekpress.com.
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— Sandy Compton

Keep It Wild

 Get out there. And
Enjoy those beautiful places. And
Keep it wild.
~ Walkin' Jim Stoltz

Listen To Quote
Song-Film: Words Of Wisdom
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW11, Keep It Wild, Wild, Walkin' Jim Stoltz, Mountain Views, Natural Beauty, Guitar, Jim Stoltz, Peaceful, Loving, Nature, Humanity,

Photo ID: FWC Jim Film End, FW11, 39

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A Divine Key - Beautiful Radio Interview With Walkin Jim's Songs & Photos

In this radio interview May 7, 2010, just a few months before his death from cancer in 2010, famed singer/songwriter Walkin' Jim Stoltz poignantly reflects on his nearly three decades of long-distance walking and the beautiful photography and songs he brought back from his journeys in beauty to share around the country in his traveling Forever Wild Concert Tour he did for many years across the country. "It's my job," jokes the singer, of his unique career which combined his incredible song writing, music and stellar photography with environmental advocacy for - forever wild.
This film features Jim's insightful photos from his 28,000 miles of long wilderness walks, now remastered in beautiful digital images. It was recorded with excellent radio studio quality.

In this half-hour show, interviewer Katherine Johnson with KSER, 90.7 FM in Everett WA, speaks with Jim about his favorite places, his inspirations, the importance of getting kids outside, and his hope for the future of the wild--and the world.
This film and others by Walkin' Jim are available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast.

Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film. The station can download the film from PEGMedia.org for broadcast to your local community.
Tags: Songs, Song-Films, Films, CD Titles?, Lyrics?, Walkin Jim, Walkin Jim Stoltz, Forever Wild Concert, Nature, Wilderness, Wild Lands, Beauty, Interview, Radio, Hiking, Long Distance Hiking, Photos, Environment, Respect, Life


Words Of Wisdom - Walkin' Jim Stoltz - Steller Nature Photos - Empowering Quotes

Stellar nature photos enhance quotes of wisdom Jim has collected over the years. There is hope from those who who listen to the earth.

Recorded live - Forever Wild Concert. Mastered in HD - High Definition - with the original digital images. Final song of Jim's Forever Wild Concert.

Walkin' Jim Stoltz, wilderness songster and long-distance hiker.
Category: Education

This film and other Walkin Jim Films are available for any Public Access TV station in the country - and world - to broadcast.

Phone your local public access TV station and ask them to broadcast this film. The station can download the film from PEGMedia.org for broadcast to your local community.
This PEGMedia Episode
Songs, Song-Films, Films, Forever Wild Concert, One Land One Heart, CD Titles?,
Lyrics?, FW11, FW, Nature, Quotes, Wilderness, Wild, Wilderness, PEGMedia.org, Nature Songs, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson 

Additional Tags:
Long Distance Hiking, Respect, Life, Environment, Earth, Listen, Walkin Jim, Walkin Jim Stoltz, Walkin' Jim,


Wild West Tour - 1986 - Ancient Wildlands Should Be Protected Forever

I first met Jim on our 1986 Wild West Tour. A group of about ten Wilderness advocates provided music, stories and inspiration for wildlands protection to 10 towns Across Montana. Jim was the main attraction for the audiences and the main ballast for our motley crew. He was a consummate professional; When the rest of us grew exhausted, Jim stayed steady. He valued wildlands as habitat for wildlife and wild nature. 

Our conservative, status quo Message was: "Montana's few remaining wildlands should stay the way they are". How refreshing and hopeful that is compared to today's prevailing view of Wildlands as recreational gymnasiums and fodder for political deals. I miss Jim's simple and pure values and still get goosebumps listening to his music.

Forever Wild means what it says; no smoke, no mirrors. The remnants of our legacy of ancient wildlands should be protected forever. And it's still not too late to take Montana's few remaining wildlands off the bargain discount table. If you listen to the earth, Jim's spirit still blows through the land providing inspiration to stay strong.

- Larry Campbell, for the wild
Good friend and longtime wilderness activist in Montana

Tags: Memorial, Wild West Tour - 1986


Walkin' Jim Stoltz (1953 - 2010)

Bozeman Daily Chronicle on Sept. 7, 2010
Tags: Walkin Jim, Memorial, Whisper Behind the Wind, Walking with the Wild Wind

Walkin' Jim Stoltz set off on his last forever wild hike on Friday, Sept. 3, 2010. Our master troubadour and dear friend fought a heroic battle with cancer in Helena, Mont. He was 57 years old.

Walkin' Jim is widely known throughout the United States for his unique combination of long-distance hiking, original songwriting and photography. Jim was an adventurer, artist, poet, photographer, author and environmental activist.

In his lifetime, he accomplished numerous long-distance treks including the complete lengths of the Pacific Crest Trail, the Appalachian Trail, an east-to-west cross-continent hike, the entire U.S. Continental Divide, trips from Yellowstone to the Yukon, and many others. In total, he hiked more than 28,000 miles of long-distance trips.

When not on a long trip, Walkin' Jim could be found on any of the many trails in southwest Montana for a day hike with family and friends. He was also an avid cross-country skier. Jim also enjoyed wilderness travels by canoe.

Between trips, Jim would create, produce and perform original shows of his travels with photography and music, always incorporating his keen sense of environmental awareness and justice for all things wild. His musical, hiking, and environmental career spanned 45 years.

Jim was born in Royal Oak, Mich., June 8, 1953, to Wilbur and Audra Stoltz. He graduated from Royal Oak- Kimball High School.

Walkin' Jim began playing the guitar when he was in the fourth grade. He performed in several bands during the 1970s. He first learned his love for the outdoors and hiking with the Boy Scouts. His first long-distance hike was from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail in 1973. The following year, Jim began his Ocean to Ocean walk beginning in West Quodyhead, Maine, and ending on the Olympic Peninsula, Wash. The entire trip followed dirt roads, railroad tracks and trails.

Jim's first recording was "Spirit is Still on the Run" in 1986. He also recorded "Forever Wild," "Listen to the Earth," "The Long Trails," and many others. Walkin' Jim produced over eight musical albums and one music video for children, "Come Walk With Me."

Jim was an accomplished poet. His poetry was published as "Whisper Behind the Wind." Walkin' Jim wrote a book, "Walking with the Wild Wind: Reflections on a Montana Journey," highlighting his inspirational travels and wilderness philosophy.

A few years ago, Jim discovered his talent for painting. He developed an extensive array of work in oils, specializing in interpretive environmental themes. He liked to work in the medium of oil-based cattle markers on canvas. Many of his paintings reflected themes from his songs and poetry.

Walkin' Jim founded Music United to Sustain the Environment (MUSE) with Craig Wagner and Joyce Rouse. MUSE is a group of professional touring musicians who are concerned about the health of our planet. Many of them draw their inspiration from the land, and feel the need to give something back to protect it. Walkin' Jim stood at the forefront of many environmental causes throughout the country.

Jim helped with the planning and design of several trails throughout the American Southwest. A short segment of U.S. Forest Service trail in northern Arizona was recently created and named the Walkin' Jim Trail.

To spread his love of people and song, Jim was employed for nearly 30 winter seasons at Lone Mountain Ranch in Big Sky, driving horse-drawn sleighs to festive dinners where he performed his extensive repertoire of music.

Jim's life is richly entwined by a web of countless dear friends, including thousands of children throughout the country who have learned and loved his stories and songs.

Walkin' Jim is survived by his true friend, Leslie Stoltz of Big Sky; brother, Mark Stoltz of Honor, Mich.; sisters, Susan Grace Stoltz of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Lisa Mohr of Wixom, Mich.; and many nieces and nephews.

Jim's lifework and dreams centered on his desire to share the beauty, the unique character, the mood and the value of wilderness through his music, writings, art and activism. He leaves a special and enduring legacy to his family, friends and enumerable fans - a legacy directing all of us to live lives of happiness while sharing in and protecting all things wild.

A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8, at Last Chance Ranch, 2884 Grizzly Gulch, Helena, Mont. Directions for contributions will be determined in the near future. Updated information will be available soon at www.walkinjim.com.

Arrangements are under the care of Retz Funeral Home in Helena. To offer condolences to the family or to share a memory of Jim, please visit www.retzfuneralhome.com.
12 entries
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Walkin' Jim Stoltz set off on his last forever wild hike on Friday, Sept. 3, 2010. Our master troubadour and dear friend fought a heroic battle with cancer in Helena, Mont. He was 57 years old.

Walkin' Jim is widely known throughout the United States for his unique combination of long-distance hiking, original songwriting and photography. Jim was an adventurer, artist, poet, photographer, author and environmental activist.

In his lifetime, he accomplished numerous long-distance treks including the complete lengths of the Pacific Crest Trail, the Appalachian Trail, an east-to-west cross-continent hike, the entire U.S. Continental Divide, trips from Yellowstone to the Yukon, and many others. In total, he hiked more than 28,000 miles of long-distance trips.

When not on a long trip, Walkin' Jim could be found on any of the many trails in southwest Montana for a day hike with family and friends. He was also an avid cross-country skier. Jim also enjoyed wilderness travels by canoe.

Between trips, Jim would create, produce and perform original shows of his travels with photography and music, always incorporating his keen sense of environmental awareness and justice for all things wild. His musical, hiking, and environmental career spanned 45 years.

Jim was born in Royal Oak, Mich., June 8, 1953, to Wilbur and Audra Stoltz. He graduated from Royal Oak- Kimball High School.

Walkin' Jim began playing the guitar when he was in the fourth grade. He performed in several bands during the 1970s. He first learned his love for the outdoors and hiking with the Boy Scouts. His first long-distance hike was from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail in 1973. The following year, Jim began his Ocean to Ocean walk beginning in West Quodyhead, Maine, and ending on the Olympic Peninsula, Wash. The entire trip followed dirt roads, railroad tracks and trails.

Jim's first recording was "Spirit is Still on the Run" in 1986. He also recorded "Forever Wild," "Listen to the Earth," "The Long Trails," and many others. Walkin' Jim produced over eight musical albums and one music video for children, "Come Walk With Me."

Jim was an accomplished poet. His poetry was published as "Whisper Behind the Wind." Walkin' Jim wrote a book, "Walking with the Wild Wind: Reflections on a Montana Journey," highlighting his inspirational travels and wilderness philosophy.

A few years ago, Jim discovered his talent for painting. He developed an extensive array of work in oils, specializing in interpretive environmental themes. He liked to work in the medium of oil-based cattle markers on canvas. Many of his paintings reflected themes from his songs and poetry.

Walkin' Jim founded Music United to Sustain the Environment (MUSE) with Craig Wagner and Joyce Rouse. MUSE is a group of professional touring musicians who are concerned about the health of our planet. Many of them draw their inspiration from the land, and feel the need to give something back to protect it. Walkin' Jim stood at the forefront of many environmental causes throughout the country.

Jim helped with the planning and design of several trails throughout the American Southwest. A short segment of U.S. Forest Service trail in northern Arizona was recently created and named the Walkin' Jim Trail.

To spread his love of people and song, Jim was employed for nearly 30 winter seasons at Lone Mountain Ranch in Big Sky, driving horse-drawn sleighs to festive dinners where he performed his extensive repertoire of music.

Jim's life is richly entwined by a web of countless dear friends, including thousands of children throughout the country who have learned and loved his stories and songs.

Walkin' Jim is survived by his true friend, Leslie Stoltz of Big Sky; brother, Mark Stoltz of Honor, Mich.; sisters, Susan Grace Stoltz of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Lisa Mohr of Wixom, Mich.; and many nieces and nephews.

Jim's lifework and dreams centered on his desire to share the beauty, the unique character, the mood and the value of wilderness through his music, writings, art and activism. He leaves a special and enduring legacy to his family, friends and enumerable fans - a legacy directing all of us to live lives of happiness while sharing in and protecting all things wild.

A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8, at Last Chance Ranch, 2884 Grizzly Gulch, Helena, Mont. Directions for contributions will be determined in the near future. Updated information will be available soon at www.walkinjim.com.

Arrangements are under the care of Retz Funeral Home in Helena. To offer condolences to the family or to share a memory of Jim, please visit www.retzfuneralhome.com.
Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle on Sept. 7, 2010
- See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/bozemandailychronicle/obituary.aspx?pid=145155237#sthash.ovHh7IuW.dpuf
12 entries
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Walkin' Jim Stoltz set off on his last forever wild hike on Friday, Sept. 3, 2010. Our master troubadour and dear friend fought a heroic battle with cancer in Helena, Mont. He was 57 years old.

Walkin' Jim is widely known throughout the United States for his unique combination of long-distance hiking, original songwriting and photography. Jim was an adventurer, artist, poet, photographer, author and environmental activist.

In his lifetime, he accomplished numerous long-distance treks including the complete lengths of the Pacific Crest Trail, the Appalachian Trail, an east-to-west cross-continent hike, the entire U.S. Continental Divide, trips from Yellowstone to the Yukon, and many others. In total, he hiked more than 28,000 miles of long-distance trips.

When not on a long trip, Walkin' Jim could be found on any of the many trails in southwest Montana for a day hike with family and friends. He was also an avid cross-country skier. Jim also enjoyed wilderness travels by canoe.

Between trips, Jim would create, produce and perform original shows of his travels with photography and music, always incorporating his keen sense of environmental awareness and justice for all things wild. His musical, hiking, and environmental career spanned 45 years.

Jim was born in Royal Oak, Mich., June 8, 1953, to Wilbur and Audra Stoltz. He graduated from Royal Oak- Kimball High School.

Walkin' Jim began playing the guitar when he was in the fourth grade. He performed in several bands during the 1970s. He first learned his love for the outdoors and hiking with the Boy Scouts. His first long-distance hike was from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail in 1973. The following year, Jim began his Ocean to Ocean walk beginning in West Quodyhead, Maine, and ending on the Olympic Peninsula, Wash. The entire trip followed dirt roads, railroad tracks and trails.

Jim's first recording was "Spirit is Still on the Run" in 1986. He also recorded "Forever Wild," "Listen to the Earth," "The Long Trails," and many others. Walkin' Jim produced over eight musical albums and one music video for children, "Come Walk With Me."

Jim was an accomplished poet. His poetry was published as "Whisper Behind the Wind." Walkin' Jim wrote a book, "Walking with the Wild Wind: Reflections on a Montana Journey," highlighting his inspirational travels and wilderness philosophy.

A few years ago, Jim discovered his talent for painting. He developed an extensive array of work in oils, specializing in interpretive environmental themes. He liked to work in the medium of oil-based cattle markers on canvas. Many of his paintings reflected themes from his songs and poetry.

Walkin' Jim founded Music United to Sustain the Environment (MUSE) with Craig Wagner and Joyce Rouse. MUSE is a group of professional touring musicians who are concerned about the health of our planet. Many of them draw their inspiration from the land, and feel the need to give something back to protect it. Walkin' Jim stood at the forefront of many environmental causes throughout the country.

Jim helped with the planning and design of several trails throughout the American Southwest. A short segment of U.S. Forest Service trail in northern Arizona was recently created and named the Walkin' Jim Trail.

To spread his love of people and song, Jim was employed for nearly 30 winter seasons at Lone Mountain Ranch in Big Sky, driving horse-drawn sleighs to festive dinners where he performed his extensive repertoire of music.

Jim's life is richly entwined by a web of countless dear friends, including thousands of children throughout the country who have learned and loved his stories and songs.

Walkin' Jim is survived by his true friend, Leslie Stoltz of Big Sky; brother, Mark Stoltz of Honor, Mich.; sisters, Susan Grace Stoltz of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Lisa Mohr of Wixom, Mich.; and many nieces and nephews.

Jim's lifework and dreams centered on his desire to share the beauty, the unique character, the mood and the value of wilderness through his music, writings, art and activism. He leaves a special and enduring legacy to his family, friends and enumerable fans - a legacy directing all of us to live lives of happiness while sharing in and protecting all things wild.

A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8, at Last Chance Ranch, 2884 Grizzly Gulch, Helena, Mont. Directions for contributions will be determined in the near future. Updated information will be available soon at www.walkinjim.com.

Arrangements are under the care of Retz Funeral Home in Helena. To offer condolences to the family or to share a memory of Jim, please visit www.retzfuneralhome.com.
Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle on Sept. 7, 2010
- See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/bozemandailychronicle/obituary.aspx?pid=145155237#sthash.ovHh7IuW.dpuf
12 entries
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Walkin' Jim Stoltz set off on his last forever wild hike on Friday, Sept. 3, 2010. Our master troubadour and dear friend fought a heroic battle with cancer in Helena, Mont. He was 57 years old.

Walkin' Jim is widely known throughout the United States for his unique combination of long-distance hiking, original songwriting and photography. Jim was an adventurer, artist, poet, photographer, author and environmental activist.

In his lifetime, he accomplished numerous long-distance treks including the complete lengths of the Pacific Crest Trail, the Appalachian Trail, an east-to-west cross-continent hike, the entire U.S. Continental Divide, trips from Yellowstone to the Yukon, and many others. In total, he hiked more than 28,000 miles of long-distance trips.

When not on a long trip, Walkin' Jim could be found on any of the many trails in southwest Montana for a day hike with family and friends. He was also an avid cross-country skier. Jim also enjoyed wilderness travels by canoe.

Between trips, Jim would create, produce and perform original shows of his travels with photography and music, always incorporating his keen sense of environmental awareness and justice for all things wild. His musical, hiking, and environmental career spanned 45 years.

Jim was born in Royal Oak, Mich., June 8, 1953, to Wilbur and Audra Stoltz. He graduated from Royal Oak- Kimball High School.

Walkin' Jim began playing the guitar when he was in the fourth grade. He performed in several bands during the 1970s. He first learned his love for the outdoors and hiking with the Boy Scouts. His first long-distance hike was from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail in 1973. The following year, Jim began his Ocean to Ocean walk beginning in West Quodyhead, Maine, and ending on the Olympic Peninsula, Wash. The entire trip followed dirt roads, railroad tracks and trails.

Jim's first recording was "Spirit is Still on the Run" in 1986. He also recorded "Forever Wild," "Listen to the Earth," "The Long Trails," and many others. Walkin' Jim produced over eight musical albums and one music video for children, "Come Walk With Me."

Jim was an accomplished poet. His poetry was published as "Whisper Behind the Wind." Walkin' Jim wrote a book, "Walking with the Wild Wind: Reflections on a Montana Journey," highlighting his inspirational travels and wilderness philosophy.

A few years ago, Jim discovered his talent for painting. He developed an extensive array of work in oils, specializing in interpretive environmental themes. He liked to work in the medium of oil-based cattle markers on canvas. Many of his paintings reflected themes from his songs and poetry.

Walkin' Jim founded Music United to Sustain the Environment (MUSE) with Craig Wagner and Joyce Rouse. MUSE is a group of professional touring musicians who are concerned about the health of our planet. Many of them draw their inspiration from the land, and feel the need to give something back to protect it. Walkin' Jim stood at the forefront of many environmental causes throughout the country.

Jim helped with the planning and design of several trails throughout the American Southwest. A short segment of U.S. Forest Service trail in northern Arizona was recently created and named the Walkin' Jim Trail.

To spread his love of people and song, Jim was employed for nearly 30 winter seasons at Lone Mountain Ranch in Big Sky, driving horse-drawn sleighs to festive dinners where he performed his extensive repertoire of music.

Jim's life is richly entwined by a web of countless dear friends, including thousands of children throughout the country who have learned and loved his stories and songs.

Walkin' Jim is survived by his true friend, Leslie Stoltz of Big Sky; brother, Mark Stoltz of Honor, Mich.; sisters, Susan Grace Stoltz of Fairbanks, Alaska, and Lisa Mohr of Wixom, Mich.; and many nieces and nephews.

Jim's lifework and dreams centered on his desire to share the beauty, the unique character, the mood and the value of wilderness through his music, writings, art and activism. He leaves a special and enduring legacy to his family, friends and enumerable fans - a legacy directing all of us to live lives of happiness while sharing in and protecting all things wild.

A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8, at Last Chance Ranch, 2884 Grizzly Gulch, Helena, Mont. Directions for contributions will be determined in the near future. Updated information will be available soon at www.walkinjim.com.

Arrangements are under the care of Retz Funeral Home in Helena. To offer condolences to the family or to share a memory of Jim, please visit www.retzfuneralhome.com.
Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle on Sept. 7, 2010
- See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/bozemandailychronicle/obituary.aspx?pid=145155237#sthash.ovHh7IuW.dpuf

PCT Memorial - Walkkin' Jim Stoltz

Tags: Walkin Jim, Memorial, PCT, 

Walkin’ Jim Stoltz in Stone Donkey Canyon

Walkin’ Jim Stoltz, musician, hiker, poet, photographer, environmental activist and long-time supporter of the Pacific Crest Trail Association, died Sept. 3, 2010, in Helena, Mont. after a long battle with cancer resulting from medications related to a 2004 kidney transplant. He was 57.He completed more than 28,000 miles of long-distance treks, including the Pacific Crest (1996), Appalachian (1974) and Continental Divide trails as well as an east to west cross-continent hike (1976).  Every summer he was out in the backcountry for an extended hike.

Jim performed original shows of his travels with photography and music, always incorporating his keen sense of environmental awareness and justice for all things wild. His musical, hiking, and environmental career spanned 45 years.
Jim began playing the guitar when he was in the 4th grade.  He performed in several bands during the 1970s and he produced albums and a music video for children. He often performed at schools.
Jim founded Music United to Sustain the Environment (www.musemusic.org) with Craig Wagner, and Joyce Rouse, a group of professional touring musicians concerned about the health of the planet.

Jim helped with the planning and design of several trails in the Southwest.  A short segment of U.S. Forest Service trail in northern Arizona was recently created and named the Walkin’ Jim Trail.
Jim’s life centered on his desire to share the beauty, the unique character, the mood and the value of wilderness. He leaves a special and enduring legacy.

Human Spirit and Wilderness: A Personal Story of Wilderness Passion

Feb. 25: "Human Spirit and Wilderness: A Personal Story of Wilderness Passion", Gloria Flora, director and founder of Sustainable Obtainable Solutions and former U.S. Forest Service Region 1 supervisor.

Wilderness 50

Please take time to view this video of Gloria as she addresses the graduation of CSA students,
this is part one of a three part video of Gloria's address to the graduating students.
i hope you enjoy it enough to listen to the other 2 parts......you will have to locate the other two on the net.
becoming familiar with her will give you some insight and familiarity with her

Gloria has a very interesting career history:

In 2000, she made national headlines again when she resigned as Forest Supervisor of the largest national forest in the lower 48 states - the Humboldt-Toiyabe - to call attention to antigovernment zealots engaged in the harassment and intimidation of Forest Service employees and destruction of natural resources on public lands.

For more information on the lecture series, call Rachel James, interim assistant to the director, at 243-6916 or emailwi@cfc.umt.edu. More information about the lecture series is available at http://cfc.umt.edu/Wi

The series, “Room to Roam: 50 Years of Wilderness Policy, Practice, Protection and Passion,” is sponsored by the College of Forestry and Conservation Wilderness Institute. It will feature speakers who include legislators, activists, federal and state officials, scientists, tribal representatives, authors and adventurers.

The lectures are free and open to the public. They will be held from 7:10 to 8:30 p.m. each Tuesday, Jan. 28 through April 8, in the Gallagher Business Building, Room 122.

See this link for more details.....


50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act Briefing Paper

[PDF] 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act Briefing Paper
Wilderness Act, Wilderness 50,
50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act 1964-2014

Anniversary Celebration for the National Wilderness Preservation System

On September 3, 1964 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the
Wilderness Act. This historic bill established the National Wilderness Preservation System (NWPS) and set aside an
initial 9.1 million acres of wildlands for the use and benefit of the American people. Over the past 50 years, and as a
result of America’s support for wilderness, Congress has added over 100 million acres to this unique land preservation
system. The 1964 Wilderness Act defines “Wilderness” as areas where the earth and its communities of life are left
unchanged by people, where the primary forces of nature are in control, and where people themselves are visitors who
do not remain.

The NWPS was established for the use and enjoyment of the American people and provides many direct and in
- directbenefits, such as those relating to ecological, geological, scientific, educational, scenic, spiritual, economic, recreational,
historical, and culturaluses and activities. The 758wilderness areaswithinthe NWPSare managed by all four federall
and managing agencies, the Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, and National Park Service.

In 2014,our nation will celebrate “50 Years of Wilderness” and we hope that your organization
will find a way to become a part of this historical commemoration
honoring America’s “True American Legacy of Wilderness!”

The 50th Anniversary National Wilderness
Planning Team (Wilderness50) is collaborating
on the planning and eventual implementation of local,
regional, and national events and projects, specifically designed
to elevate the profile of wilderness during the 50th
anniversary celebration.Wilderness50’sgoals are to:

Engage the public to better understand and appreciate the many benefits and values
of wilderness, ultimately
resulting in more people supporting responsible wildlands stewardship;

Bring the wilderness community (NGOs/Agencies/International Advocates) “
together“ to efficiently and
consistently steward wilderness for the use, enjoyment,
and benefit of the American people;

Connect with today's youth and with non
-wilderness using groups to find the thread that ties their lives to wild
places so they can more directly relate to, understand, and value, wilderness.
Wilderness50’s diversity commitment are to:

Acknowledge that diverse communities celebrate and engage with wi
lderness in many different ways

even though their traditions have not always expressed these connections in the same way as more "orthodox"

Realize that the assumptions of the Wilderness Act, valuable and pathbreaking in many ways for Americans, have
led to a "non-inclusive" movement around the wilderness concept, and
many people in non- traditional communitiesview wilderness as irrelevant.

Reach out to and work with diverse communities to incorporate them
as full participants into planning efforts


Forever Wild As Sung In 1987 & 2010

More to be written about this song - Forever Wild
- History of Forever Wild song
- How it relates to the Wilderness Act
- What has happened around this song spanning over 20 years  1987 & 2010

Forever Wild - Lyrics - 1986

Songs, Song-Films, Films, Forever Wild Concert, Forever Wild Song, FW06, FW


One Land One Heart - Song-Film

More about this song:

Lyrics needed

Songs, Song-Films, Films, Forever Wild Concert, One Land One Heart, CD Titles?,
Lyrics?, FW14, FW

Rain Cloud Mountain

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Rain Cloud Mountain, Rain, Clouds, Mountain, Views, Snow, Rock Formations, Dark Sky, Sky, Nature, Beauty

Photo ID: 398, FW14, 01
Date:                 Place:


Desert Plain

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Desert Plain, Desert, Plain, Mountain Views, Views, Native Plants, Plants, Shadows, Beautiful, Evening Light,

Photo ID: 092, FW14, 02
Date:                 Place:


Green Stream

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Green Stream, Green, Stream, Rocks, River, Water, Native Plants, Plants, Trees, Nature, Beauty, Sacred

Photo ID: 399, FW14, 03
Date:                 Place:


Packs And Peaks

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Packs And Peaks, Packs, Peaks, Mountains, Mountain Views, Views, Snow, Together, Trees, Lake, Blue Sky, Sky, Rock Formations, Awesome Beauty

Photo ID: 093, FW14, 04
Date:                 Place:


Carved Rock Corridor

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Carved Rock Corridor, Carved, Rock, Corridor, Rock Formations, Bare, Walls, Canyon, Geology, Dry River Bed, Natural Wonders, Sacred, Peaceful, Majestic
Photo ID: 400, FW14, 05
Date:                 Place:


Rocky Slope

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Rocky Slope, Rocky, Slope, Rock Formations, Mountain Views, Views, Trees, Reflection, River, Water, Rocks, Nature, Peaceful

Photo ID: 094, FW14, 06
Date:                 Place:


Coyote Country

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Coyote Country, Coyote, Country, Wildlife, Animals, Furry, Closeup, Habitat, Together, Spiritual, Sacred, Blue Sky, Sky, Rock Formations

Photo ID: 401, FW14, 07
Date:                 Place:


Wet Rocks

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Wet Rocks, Wet, Rocks, Waterfall, Rock Formations, Blue Sky, Sky, Clouds, Peaceful, Beautiful

Photo ID: 095, FW14, 08
Date:                 Place:


Hillside Beauty

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Hillside Beauty, Flowers, Native Plants, Plants, Yellow, Colors, Beautiful, Peaceful, Grass
Photo ID: 402, FW14, 09
Date:                 Place:


Twist The Trees

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Twist The Trees, Twist, Trees, Twisted, Woods, Blue Sky, Sky, Native, Beautiful, Clouds, Peaceful

Photo ID: 096, FW14, 10
Date:                 Place:


One Heart

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, One Heart, Fire, Together, Sacred, Spiritual, Peaceful, Campfire, Embrace, Beautiful

Photo ID: 403, FW14, 11
Date:                 Place:


Mountain Paradise

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Mountain Paradise, Mountain, Views, Paradise, Rock Formations, River, Water, Trees, Snow, Nature

Photo ID: 097, FW14, 12
Date:                 Place:


Red Rock Bend

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Red Rock Bend, Red, Rock, Bend, Rock Formations, Rocks, Rocky, Trees, Mountain Views, Clouds, Peaks, Ridge

Photo ID: 404, FW14, 13
Date:                 Place:


White Flowers

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, White Flowers, White, Flowers, Flower, Blooms, Blossoms, Native Plants, Plants, Flora, Petals, Beautiful, Trees

Photo ID: 098, FW14, 14
Date:                 Place:


Forest Fog

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Forest Fog, Forest, Fog, Foggy, Hazy, Trees, Native Trees, Path, Ferns, Plants, Flora, Majestic, Peaceful, Natural Art, Sacred

Photo ID: 405, FW14, 15
Date:                 Place:


Rocky Walk

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Rocky Walk, Rocky, Walk, Mountains, Mountain Views, Rock Formations, Peaks, Spiritual, Sacred, Majestic, Geology, Dessert Rocks
Photo ID: 099, FW14, 16
Date:                 Place:


Red Rocks

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Red Rocks, Red, Rocks, Rock Formations, Snow Covered Mountains, Snow, Mountain Views, Views, Moon, Blue Sky, Sky, Amazing Natural Beauty, Beauty, Colors

Photo ID: 406, FW14, 17
Date:                 Place:


One Land

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, One Land, Mother Earth, Earth, Globe, Oceans, Land, North America, America, Home, Planet, Clouds, Weather, Sacred

Photo ID: 100, FW14, 18
Date:                 Place:


Bison Family

Song-Film: One Land One Heart
Photos, FW, Forever Wild, FW14, One Land One Heart, Bison Family, Bison, Family, River, Grazing, Horns, Water, Beautiful, Wildlife, Animals, Furry, Together, Sacred

Photo ID: 407, FW14, 19
Date:                 Place:
