Forever Wild Tour, Flyer, Wilderness 50, Walkin' Jim, Walkin' Jim Stoltz, Tours, Wild Places, Respect, Environment, Nature, Protection, Species, Natural World, Beautiful, Planet,
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Energize, Determination, Make A Difference, Wild Life, Wild Places, Ambassador, Exuberance, Passion, Wonderful, Spirit, Minds, Values, Wilderness, Advocacy, Legacy, Personal Caring, Caring, Energy, Perspective, Reconnect, Connect, Wild Creatures, Creatures, Music, Believe, Inspire, Act, Hearts, Change, Incredible, Enthusiasm, Admire, Enjoy, Sincere, Photography, Fun, Entertaining, Interaction
Forever Wild - 2006
Introduction: Forever Wild & Walkin’ Jim Stoltz
Jim Stoltz is known across the nation as "Walkin' Jim". The name stems from the fact that Jim has logged over 26,000 miles of wilderness hiking on annual months-long backcountry treks through America's last wild places. When he's not at home or out walking, Jim travels the country with his multi-media show, Forever Wild, combining his photography, poetry, stories and live music – all working to motivate and inspire the public to care for its last wild places. For years, working with (and sponsored by) environmental organizations, colleges, schools, churches, and community and outdoor-oriented groups, this inspiring event has shared the beauty and the special character of North America's wilderness and the natural world. The Environmental Protection Agency recognized Jim's service with an Outstanding Achievement Award for "sharing nature and wilderness with others across America through your extraordinary words, images, and music."
The year 2006 will mark the 20th anniversary of touring America with Forever Wild. It all started from humble beginnings. In 1985, Walkin' Jim hosted a series of concerts in his local community center to benefit a program that provides children with cancer a week of outdoor activities in the mountains. For the last show in the series Jim decided he would perform a concert himself and try to make it special by putting many of his photos to some of his wilderness songs. It ended up being a full house, standing-room-only night, and the response was so positive that Walkin' Jim decided to take his show on the road. In 1986, Jim began touring America with his Forever Wild multimedia concert.
Since then, Forever Wild has promoted the saving of our last wild places, respect for environment, and protection of all of Earth's fellow species. Over the past twenty years Forever Wild has not only encouraged the public to get out into the natural world, but it has inspired people to care about and take action on behalf of our beautiful planet. Jim is particularly proud to know that the show, his experience, and his message have motivated several young people to actually change their life's direction and go to work for environmental organizations. Forever Wild is a unique concert, and the fact that Jim has been touring with it for so many years speaks to his success at being able to reach people.
"a memorable evening enjoyed by a comprehensive cross section of our community...those who attended the show could not thank us enough for sponsoring...
"first time our group ever sponsored an event that attracted so many people...energized our group...deserves to be experienced by as many people as possible."
- Gary Thornbloom, Newsletter Editor and Outings Chair
Moshannon Group of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Sierra Club, State College, PA
What Others Are Saying About
Walkin' Jim Stoltz & Forever Wild
" come away from Jim's Forever Wild show with an added bounce in your step and a determination that you can make a difference for future generations... follows through and keeps you informed on wilderness issues once he leaves your community as well. It would be hard to find a better ambassador for wildlife and wild places."
- Larry Dolphin, Executive Director
Jay C. Hormel Nature Center, Austin, MN
"Jim Stoltz is a music man of exuberance and passion, with more to say in one song than Frank Sinatra ever managed in a whole bloody concert."
- Edward Abbey, author
"...a rare and wonderful experience for all who attended ... engaged people on so many different levels ... literally opened their eyes, ears and minds ... awoke that part of their spirit that lives and breathes with the land."
- Doug Miller, Director
Folklore Village, Dodgeville, WI
"...a true advocate for wilderness values and really affects his audience... I was struck by an adult male coming up afterwards and telling of the tears he had during, and as a result of, his presentation. one in the country doing exactly what "Walkin' Jim" does in the service of wilderness advocacy."
- Dr. Bob Ellinwood, Former Director
Fine Arts Series, Lynchburg College, VA
"...left a legacy of personal caring and inspired commitment to the well being of our planet. He managed to touch all of us, the youngest children to the adults, with an intimate experience of the link between our four-walled classrooms and the living beings of the wild."
- Martha Rogers, Music Teacher
Bowman School, Lexington, MA
"...brought wild places and a mountain top perspective to all of us. He helped us to reconnect to the earth and all its wild creatures. Swept us up into a celebration of life and an empowerment that we, too, can help preserve it."
- Susan Hoffman, Teacher
Crested Butte School, Crested Butte, CO
"... sends a great, cold cascade of fresh energy washing over folks ... each time he performs a benefit concert for Friends, we gain a whole big troop of new members. Walkin' Jim's music makes people believe. It inspires them to act. It changes people's hearts."
- Sharon Netherton, Executive Director
Friends of Nevada Wilderness
"...generated an incredible amount of enthusiasm afterwards. For weeks people were telling me how much they admired him and enjoyed the concert. We all felt fortunate to have seen his show ... contagious passion for wilderness, his sincere environmental message, wonderful photography and, not least, his fun and entertaining interaction with the audience."
- Richard Stanley, Vice-Chair
Sierra Club-Greater Hartford (CT) Group